How to Feed Apple to 6 Month Baby

Parents are always happy to see their babies blossom and develop right from the second they're born! They will always keep a close eye on everything their precious little baby does, especially when he begins to eat different foods. If you have a little one whom you are about to wean on to solids, you'd know what we're talking about.

Video: How to Make Apple Puree for Babies (Plus some additional Recipe tips)

One of the safest and the most common foods babies are introduced to when weaning them on to solids is apple puree. It has a sweet flavour that your baby is sure to love, and is also easy to digest as it is rich in fibre. But, that's not all. Apple puree can benefit your little one in more ways than one. Let's first take a look at when you can feed apple puree to your baby.

When Can You Feed Apple Puree to Your Baby?

'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'! This stands true as the fruit is one of the best foods to introduce to your baby. Pureed apples are not only easy to digest; they are also filled with nutrients your baby needs during his growth years. It is apt to feed your baby once he turns six months old, as he will begin to show signs that he is ready for solid food and cereals. However, take note that breastfeeding is always recommended for your baby at least in the first 6 months.

Feeding apple to babies

Let's take a look at the nutrition value of apple puree.

Apple Puree – Nutrition Value

Apple puree is often considered as an immunity booster. Here's what it has that benefits your little one when it is made a part of his regular diet. This nutritional value is for one serving (100g) of apple puree.

  • Calories – 52 cals
  • Carbohydrates – 14 gm
  • Fat – 0.17 gm
  • Protein – 0.26 gm
  • Dietary fibre – 2.4 gm

Source –

Now, let's know how you could make some delicious apple puree for your munchkin.

Apple Puree Recipe for Babies

As mentioned earlier, apple puree as baby food is always preferred by mothers for the taste and nutritional benefits. Once your baby is comfortable eating the fruit in a cooked and pureed form, you can also introduce other fruits or mix them with the apple puree to make it extra tasty and nutritious. As the baby grows up, you can slowly switch from a smooth puree to a textured one. So, what do you need to make apple puree? Let's find out!


  • 1 Apple
  • 2 cups of water
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder (optional)
  • Breast milk (2 to 3 tablespoons or as required)


  1. Thoroughly wash the apple, de-core, peel and cut it into cubes.
  2. Put the apple slices in the small pressure cooker filled with water. You may also use a food steamer.
  3. Cook for approximately 20 minutes.
  4. Cook the apple cubes till they are soft and tender.
  5. Take out the cubes and let them cool.
  6. Transfer them to a food processor and make a smooth puree. You can also place the tender apple cubes in a sterilized bowl, and mash them with a spoon for a slightly chunky texture.
  7. You can add some breast milk for getting a smooth consistency.
  8. Add some cinnamon for taste, and mix. Your apple puree is now ready to be fed to your little one.

Baby eating apple puree

You can use more apples and make some extra apple puree and store it. However, there are some measures you need to take to store apple puree to retain its freshness and ensure it is just as healthy for your baby as freshly-made apple puree is. Read on to know how you can store apple puree.

How to Store Apple Puree

It is always recommended to make a fresh portion of apple puree for your baby every time you want to feed him some. However, working mothers might find it difficult to manage the time. Here's how they can store the puree.

Storing in an Airtight Container

  • Store the sauce in a sterilized airtight container as soon as the freshly-made puree cools down.
  • You can keep it refrigerated for up to three days.

Freezing the Apple Puree

You can also freeze apple puree, but avoid storing it for longer periods.

  • Pour the puree into ice trays and freeze it completely.
  • Store these trays in freezer bags the next day.
  • You can warm it up on the gas stove and bring it to room temperature before feeding it to your baby.

Freezing apple puree can make your work easy but storing it for longer periods will affect its nutritional value. Therefore, it is not recommended. Ensure your baby is fed fresh puree to gain maximum health benefits from it.

Feeding apple puree to your baby would also require you to be careful about a few things. They are essential to maintain your baby's health and wellbeing. The next section of the article addresses just that.

Things to Remember While Preparing Apple Puree for Your Baby

  • Use organic apples that are fresh and free of any preservatives.
  • Preserve only fresh apple puree. Do not store leftover puree as it might have bacteria breeding in it.
  • Start with just a teaspoon of apple puree. Feed your baby another teaspoon if he seems okay eating it.
  • Do not feed puree that is over three days old, unless it's been frozen.
  • Use clean containers and utensils while making and storing the puree.

We hope the tips recommended in the article help you make the perfect apple puree for your little one. A serving of fresh apple puree will not only be tasty for your baby but healthy too. Feed the puree as you narrate an exciting story. Your little one may not understand it, but he is sure to love it!


  • Eat This Much
  • Healthy Little Foodies

Also Read:Porridge Recipes for Babies


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